Farmers Training Program on “Pre and Post monsoon management strategies for spices cultivation” at ICAR-IISR Regional Station, Appangala on 14.06.2022
In commemoration of 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence ICAR- Indian Institute of Spices Research Regional Station, Appangala organized farmers training program on “Pre and Post monsoon management strategies for spices cultivation” on 14.06.2022. Programme started with ICAR song and then Dr. Honnappa Asangi, Scientist, ICAR-IISR RS welcomed the gathering. Programme was inaugurated by watering bush pepper plant. Sh. Bose Mandanna, Former Vice-Chairman, Coffee Board in his inaugural address appreciated the efforts of scientists of the station in transferring the advanced technologies in spices cultivation to the farmers fields. Dr. S. J. Ankegowda, Principal Scientist & Head during his presidential address stressed upon the importance of mixed cropping in coffee with black pepper and small cardamom. And also, he urged the farmers to regularly interact with the scientists and adopt scientific cultivation practices in their fields. Mrs. Juthica Bopanna, President, Codagu Women’s Coffee Awareness Body; Mrs. Anitha Nanda, Secretary, CWCAB and Ms. Rajini Mani, Director of the documentary on rock bees i.e., Colonies in conflict also spoke on the occasion.

In the technical session Dr. S. J. Ankegowda, Principal Scientist & Head gave detailed presentation on “Scientific approaches for mitigating pre and post monsoon calamities in spices cultivation”. A documentary on rock bees
i.e., “Colonies in conflict” was also screened to create awareness about role of rock bees in coffee and spices cultivation. Dr. Akshitha H J, Scientist, ICAR-IISR RS proposed vote of thanks. The training programme was attended by 80 participants.